An innovative and effective way of cleaning water mains with virtually no loss of water.
- it requires no shutdown of the water supply.
- is a no disruption, efficient, effective way of cleaning water pipes,minimal disturbance to customers supply (unlike conventional flushing), as NO-DES does NOT require the pipe to be de-pressurised or supply to be turned off
- is self-contained, with no water flushed down the street
- it works using very high velocities
- it filters and re-circulates the water inside the pipes (down to one-micron absolute – approx. 100 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair)
- is a controlled fl ow providing for reduced damage – no water hammer or pipe / lining erosion
- conserves two vital natural resources — water and the energy it took to produce and pump it
- Water quality is not compromised with the addition of Chlorine back into the supply if required.
Where and why it can be used
- Mains cleansing projects, particularly effective on areas suffering nitrification, chlorine decay or discoloured water.
- Newly installed water mains (chlorinating, flushing, testing)
- Cleaning water mains after leak repairs and contamination events
- Water storage tank cleaning (full or empty)
- Can also be used as a booster or transfer pump to augment supplies.
The NO-DES Method is Simple
A NO-DES truck with a massive 2 vessel filtering system pulls up between two fire hydrants in an area where water quality problems are being experienced.
A heavy-duty hose is connected from one fire hydrant to the NO-DES filtering system inlet point. A second hose is then connected to a second fire hydrant from the NO-DES outlet point.
Both fire hydrants are opened, filling the hoses and filters, creating a temporary above ground loop in the water distribution system.
A large, variable speed pump on the NO-DES unit then circulates the water through the loop at very high speed in the opposite direction of the natural flow. This “stirs up” the sediments and biofilms inside the water main.
Practically all sediments and biofilms are removed as the water passes through NO-DES’s extremely fine 24-chamber filtration system. n.b. a small amount of chlorine is added during the process.
When the entire section of water main between the hydrants has been flushed clean, the system is shut down, hydrants are closed and hoses removed. The entire process takes only 45 minutes from start to finish.
Benefits and advantages
- No loss of water during process
- No environmental discharge
- No customer interruptions
- Clear and transparent data on improvements to system
- Highly mobile and easy to set up.